Posted in Amusement, Fiction, Humor, Prompt, stories, Uncategorized

Payback is a (You Know What)

The police are questioning every employee hoping at least one of them can share details about the bank robbery. Meanwhile, forensic experts are combing the property for any criminal evidence that may help them identify the perpetrators but no matter how sanguine the investigators appear, it doesn’t look promising. The bank manager is a pompous jerk so it really could’ve been any of the many customers or former employees he’s offended. Right now he’s sitting in his office looking stoic but everyone knows he’s scared. He must be trying to figure out how to spin this to the execs, who were standing about a yard from his office door. It’s funny to watch him cower at the mere sight of them. For ten years it’s been my dream to watch him get fired for his incompetence and today my wait may be over. My plan is working like a charm!

©️2021 CSNelson, Don’t Forget the Half


You know, writing about myself has always been a challenge. It's not that I'm unsure of who I am but rather I like people to discover me on their own. I will tell you this much - I'M REAL! I guess that's all you need to know for a first approach; stick around and you'll understand the power behind that statement. What I do is another story! I embrace life hoping to live my purpose as a mother, daughter, sister, confidante and friend; I laugh, cry, and support; I admire, like and love; I listen, read and write. Most importantly, I have faith and thank God for all of me. My intent is to inspire others using my gifts and "Don't Forget the Half" reminds me to cast nothing aside. Want to know more? Discover along with me as I live my life out loud.

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