Posted in Amusement, Humor, Life, Prompt, Thoughts, Uncategorized

Meme Granny

Thanks to Fandango for giving a challenge word that’s sure to lighten the mood. Here are several memes I hope bring you a good laugh.

One day I was chatting on FaceTime with my dear uncle, to walk him through setting up for our family Zoom calls. The previous week he had issues with both his laptop and desktop and ended up having to use one for audio and the other for video. Anyway, I created a test meeting and told him I’d sent the email invite. He was thrown off a bit and questioned how I did that because he hadn’t yet given me his email. I recited the email used and he said, “Oh, that’s my desktop email. Let me give you the one for my laptop.” 😂 Months later I saw the preview of Call Your Mother, in which she says something very similar, and I cried laughing again. The writers must have tech-savvy uncles too.

Another one reminding me of my uncle because of his many strategies to defeat hackers and identity thieves, which I understand are real but his gripes were not that at all.

This one is just funny and definitely has nothing to do with my uncle, though it may have relaxed his thinking some.

©️2021 CSNelson, Don’t Forget the Half


You know, writing about myself has always been a challenge. It's not that I'm unsure of who I am but rather I like people to discover me on their own. I will tell you this much - I'M REAL! I guess that's all you need to know for a first approach; stick around and you'll understand the power behind that statement. What I do is another story! I embrace life hoping to live my purpose as a mother, daughter, sister, confidante and friend; I laugh, cry, and support; I admire, like and love; I listen, read and write. Most importantly, I have faith and thank God for all of me. My intent is to inspire others using my gifts and "Don't Forget the Half" reminds me to cast nothing aside. Want to know more? Discover along with me as I live my life out loud.

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