Posted in Prompt, Thoughts, Uncategorized

Glutton For Punishment

There are times when I start drafting a blog post and want to just hit the delete button. I used to enjoy writing in WordPress before so many changes (aka block format). I’d actually give more time to my blog, sometimes resulting in longer pieces sharing more of my life and personal thoughts, as well as inspirational text. Now, in addition to figuring how best to phrase my words in a given post, I cuss from the frustration of having to choose effective formatting. Thankfully I don’t publish all the words that go into me creating a post! Were these changes made to better accommodate human input or that of some automated marketing process utilized by big companies and “power” bloggers? My brain is tired and this battle between WP and me may soon need a referee.

Even though it sounds like I’ve reached the end of the road with WP, I’m sure I’ll be back tomorrow. Ugh!

©️2021 CSNelson, Don’t Forget the Half

Posted in Inspiration, Life, Positivity, Prompt, Thoughts, Uncategorized

Gotta Play to Win

Google Photos

Sometimes in this game called life, unexpected issues will balk your good intentions, tempting you to become volatile or run away—“fight or flight.” Then you realize neither response would do much to solve the problem, so you develop a system in which you own the situation by shifting your life in whatever way necessary to help you move forward. We’ve all played this past year and we’re winning!

©️2021 CSNelson, Don’t Forget the Half

Posted in Amusement, Fiction, Humor, Prompt, stories, Uncategorized

Lost at The Garden (fiction)

“Two rights, a left at the garden and a half mile past the bronze statue.” According to my uncle, these are the directions from his house to the library. TWO RIGHTS…LEFT AT THE GARDEN…PAST STATUE. He sounded so confident and so, I was too until the left turn at the garden put me on a dead end road into a cemetery. At that moment I felt like a lamb to the slaughter and immediately realized I was lost. When I called my uncle to tell him the situation, he just couldn’t understand where I went wrong because his directions were perfect. He put on this whole performance, talking about how I never listen and I must’ve made a wrong turn, etc. Again he repeated, “Two rights, left at the garden and half mile past the bronze statue.” Getting nowhere with him, I decided to head back to his house and that’s when I finally saw it. On the corner before the community garden was a small floral shop called “The Garden.” Believing it wasn’t just coincidental, I turned down that street, came upon the bronze statue and finally found the library. Yeah, I guess I really don’t listen!

©️2021 CSNelson, Don’t Forget the Half

Posted in Amusement, Fiction, Prompt, stories, Uncategorized

Office Prank (fictional)

Beth was new on the job and wasn’t aware the boss loved to prank the team on Halloween, just to see the fright in their face. When she arrived in the morning and opened her office door, all Beth saw was a leprechaun jumping out at her. The entire team witnessed her skillful defense techniques as she swung hard and fast, delivering a string of punches to her boss’s face. Upon seeing his black eye I tried to refrain from laughter but found myself in tears, letting out a big snort at the end. Beth couldn’t sleep for days, haunted by the green image. The next day her boss tried to vilify her in the office, causing Beth to fear losing her job. Her marriage was already falling apart and now this. Three days later there was a new development that our boss was fired. Felt like we’d all found a pot of gold!

©️2021 CSNelson, Don’t Forget the Half

Posted in Free Verse, Life, Poetry, Prompt, Relationships, Uncategorized

Black Cloud

Strong winds blow,

door rattles, the sound

crushing my comfort,

in repose, eyes wide open.

Quiet storm hiding

within this cloud,

suddenly thunder claps

shaking the foundation.

Flash of lightning…CLACK!

Rumbling resounds againBOOM!

Another strike, and again

never the same place twice.

Fearful tears, stomach

turned upside down

seeking refuge, patiently

awaiting the calm.

Sounds of peace a lie,

gullible, I emerge.

(thunder)…BOOM! (lightning)…CLACK!

Darkness monopolized the night.

©️2021 CSNelson, Don’t Forget the Half