Posted in Amusement, Food, Prompt, Uncategorized

What Say Ye?

I’m sharing this to hopefully get your feedback on a few things. Who reading this appreciates fruit cake? AND, What’s your favorite candy bar? It’s hard to believe I’m as strange as I’ve been made to feel and I’m looking for support from a few food allies. I’ll be pretty disappointed to find my blog family feels the same about unique palate as my Facebook family. Read further for the backstory.

One of my Facebook connects periodically posts surveys to gauge who likes this or that. It all started years ago when he was totally amazed there are people like myself who like — dear I say love — fruit cake. Although I find it fine to enjoy a little fruit cake now and again, evidently admitting so on the socials was not my brightest idea lol. Don’t think I’ll ever live that down but I’ll still enjoy my fruit cake.

One of his more recent surveys was about different candy bars. He didn’t leave it open ended so I’m sure he was seeking a target audience of people who enjoy a certain treat. Well, once again I was in the minority being a big fan of Baby Ruth. Yep, that’s one of my favorites, along with Butterfingers, which seemed acceptable. Go figure!

Next time I’m keeping my Grade A food choices to myself because [in the words of Tabitha Brown] that’s my business! Wonder what it says about me that I grew up actually requesting liver for dinner.

©️2021 CSNelson, Don’t Forget the Half

Posted in Hope, Inspiration, Life, Prompt, Self, Thoughts, Uncategorized

“Actively Seeking”

Today I worked on another stressful task, unsure how I’d feel in the end but knowing I had to get through it. I’m not going to give much of my personal opinion on the matter except to say resume writing is exhausting! What Joe Schmoe made this a regular thing?!?! I’ve written obituaries — educating myself and curating stories to share the meaning to the 75+ years of someone else’s life — in less time than it takes me to summarize my own relatively short career. This is yet another thing I make harder on myself by further revising the document after declaring I’m done, always thinking of a better word or alternate way of expressing the same thing, and striving for perfection that’s never been defined. At least I’m no longer using pencil and paper, which was my preference for a long time. So many writing skills have deteriorated and been replaced with ever-evolving technology and I have to admit, the computer is a lifesaver.

I felt completely overwhelmed in the beginning and I won’t be stress-free until I gain employment but at this moment, I’m somewhat relieved…and still actively seeking!

©️2021 CSNelson, Don’t Forget the Half

Posted in Faith, Haiku, Inspiration, Life, Poetry, Positivity, Prompt, Tanka, Uncategorized

Have No Fear

storms of life reveal

emotional dimensions,

face shows sadness ‘til

you begin to remember

His eye is on the sparrow

“Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?”
— Matthew‬ ‭6:26-27‬ ‭NIV‬‬

©️2021 CSNelson, Don’t Forget the Half

Posted in Humor, Life, Prompt, Uncategorized

You’ve Been Warned

“When a woman laughs during an argument, please know the psycho part of her brain has been activated and you should abort mission.”

Someone said this one day and apparently it made an impression on me. Not sure where it originated and I wish I could take credit. Usually I’m the woman laughing!

©️2021 CSNelson, Don’t Forget the Half

Posted in Inspiration, Life, People, Poetry, Positivity, Prompt, Uncategorized

Eugene Goodman: Man of the Year

All back channels crystal clear

They sensed unrest in the air

Yet, still stood there ill-prepared

To seize mob in riot gear

One man wall of protection

Shuttered wild insurrection

Hatched a plan of deflection

Briefly led misdirection

Served without reservation

Forward, no hesitation

He deserves celebration

Medal and compensation

Eugene Goodman, US Capitol Police

Displayed unique wit and charm

Never used a firearm

Didn’t cause bodily harm

Acting Dep. Sergeant at Arms

Eugene Goodman is the US Capitol Police Officer who used quick thinking and fast action to divert the mob of insurrectionists away from Senate Chambers on January 6, 2021. Sergeant Goodman is a US Army Veteran who showed up for his usual day of work and encountered everything but the usual. His brave actions earned him Acting Deputy Sergeant at Arms and the honor of escorting Vice President Kamala Harris to her Inauguration on January 20, 2021.

©️2021 CSNelson, Don’t Forget the Half