Posted in Family, Life, Photography, Prompt, Uncategorized

Oldest and Youngest

This cherished photo is of my son at 2 months old, held by his great-great-grandfather on his 102 birthday. They represented our youngest and oldest family members at the time.

©️2021 CSNelson, Don’t Forget the Half

(Images may not be duplicated, altered or used for any purpose, without expressed consent from, and credit given to, the owner)

Posted in Amusement, Family, Fiction, Life, Prompt, stories, Uncategorized

Turn Back Time

photo by Lander Degraeve via Unsplash

Grandpa enjoys sitting outside smoking cigarettes as he fiddles with one thing or another. His sight ain’t what it used to be and he can’t do so much anymore but his little projects keep him busy. Today I think he’s trying to turn back time.

©️2021 CSNelson, Don’t Forget the Half

Posted in Books, Faith, Life, Positivity, stories

“Izzy Busy Bee”

Sheila C. Morgan, Author

If you have a little one in your life, they may enjoy the children’s book “Izzy Busy Bee,” the short story of a child transformed into a place where she creates adventure, while sharing the story of who creates all life. At night Izzy’s thoughts turn into a dream, where she becomes a helpful leader in the world of bees. While Izzy has a colorful and fun time with friends, she inspires the other children in her dream to also think about how big all creation is and the great significance of a tiny bee.

With “Izzy Busy Bee,” Author Sheila C. Morgan desires to reach children in their early developmental years in hopes they may experience the awareness of God. Her work was inspired by her career and ministry. All of her books were published by Xulon Press and can be purchased from Amazon (link in caption above). While you’re there, check out Sheila’s other two publications, “The Husband” and “Seasons Do Change: A Personal Journey of Hope Through Adversity.” Maybe they will spark your interest too!

©️2021 CSNelson, Don’t Forget the Half

Posted in Empowerment, Life, Poetry, Positivity, Prompt, Tanka, Uncategorized


Image credit; Jayson Hinrichsen @ Unsplash

feeling abandoned

lost scared alone and wasted

never satisfied,

eyes opened to life’s despair

claims her power to reform

©️2021 CSNelson, Don’t Forget the Half

Posted in Fiction, Life, Photography, Prompt, stories, Uncategorized

What Had Happened Was…

Penalty for breaking curfew was harsh and since Bobby rode his bike way out to shore, he had to hurry home or chance getting in deep trouble. He picked up his green duffle bag full of books and schoolwork, leaving very little space for anything else, then sped off not realizing he’d dropped a shoe. Unfortunately, Bobby was delayed by an accident involving a behemoth truck blocking street access, and when he arrived home his naturally genial mom was none too pleased with him.

©️2021 CSNelson, Don’t Forget the Half